Thursday, January 23, 2014

Implementation Team Hosts Kick-Off Event at UST

Despite the record-breaking cold weather, staff from CLIC member libraries flocked to UST's Anderson Center today to attend the Implementation Kick-Off Event to celebrate the beginning of our migration to ProQuest Intota.

Jane Burke, Jed Gilmore, and Sharai Perkes of ProQuest presented at the program, together with members of the Implementation Team, Jennifer DeJonghe of Metro State, and UST staff Jane Shriver, Carolyn DeLuca, and Ben Durrant.

If you have questions about the implementation process, please contact any member of the Implementation Team. Team members include Rhonda Gilbraith, Greg Argo, Jon Neilson, Steve Waage, Ruth Dukelow, Mike Bloomberg, Nate Farley, Dani Roach, and Amy Shaw.

For more photos, see CLIC's Facebook page.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

You're Invited to CLIC's Implementation Kick-Off Event - January 23!

All CLIC member library staff are invited to attend the Implementation Team's Kick-Off Event to celebrate the beginning of our migration to ProQuest Intota and Summon.  The Kick-Off Event will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2014, at the University of St. Thomas, Anderson Center, Woulfe Alumni Hall North.  Please see Agenda below for details.


8:30 a.m.        Coffee and refreshments 

9:00 a.m.        Welcome – Ruth Dukelow and David Stewart 

Introductions – Jon Neilson 

Overview of Four Phases of Implementation 
Phase 1 – Transition to Summon, Rhonda Gilbraith 
Phase 2 – Intota Assessment, Greg Argo 
Phase 3 – Intota E, Mike Bloomberg 
Phase 4 – Intota Management System, Dani Roach 

9:25 a.m. Jed Gilmore, ProQuest – the implementation manager's role in working with CLIC’s training and migration to Summon and Intota Assessment 

                  Sharai Perkes, ProQuest – the philosophy of web-scale discovery 

Question and Answer, Nate Farley

10:15 a.m.      Break and celebration cupcakes

10:30 a.m. Metro State’s installation of Summon from the public services perspective, Jennifer DeJonghe 

11:00 a.m. The University of St. Thomas’s installation of Summon from an admin perspective, Carolyn DeLuca, Ben Durrant, Cathy Lutz, and Jane Shriver 
UST’s Summon user interface
CLICnet catalog data in Summon
Summon Admin console
Summon Knowledgebase (KB) decisions

Question and Answer, Amy Shaw

11:55 a.m.      Closing remarks – David Stewart

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Authority Control Workshop

Photos from CLIC's 2014 Authority Control Workshop, hosted at St. Kate's Library on January 9.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Save the Date for CLIC’s Implementation Kick-Off Celebration!

On Thursday, January 23, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon, the CLIC Implementation Team will host an event to kick off the phased-in migration to our new library services platform.  The event will be held at Woulfe Alumni Hall North, Anderson Student Center, University of St. Thomas.

Please mark your calendars to join us on January 23.  Further details to follow.