Friday, December 6, 2013

Everything You Wanted to Know About the Library But Were Afraid to Ask: Meeting the Library Needs of Adjunct Faculty

[Today’s guest blogger is Anika Fajardo of St. Catherine University. The following is a summary of her lightning round presentation given at CLIC’s Hush the Shushing Conference on October 24. During the lightning round session at the Conference, each CLIC member library presented an overview of a recent project focusing on the library’s users. St. Kate's project focused on meeting the needs of the elusive adjunct faculty by creating an online video to introduce this user to the resources available from the library.]

When thinking about library users, the needs of adjunct faculty often fall through the cracks. Because of their part-time and/or temporary status, routing information to this group can be challenging. They often have gaps in their knowledge of library services and can end up feeling like second-class citizens. 

In order to address the needs of adjunct faculty, I knew I needed some method of reaching out to them that didn’t require on-campus attendance, would be easy to fit into their buy schedules, and—hopefully—would be relatively painless to endure. I chose to create an online video to introduce adjunct faculty to the library and its services. 
Creating a Film for Library Users in 10 Easy Steps
  1. Determine the user type and their limitations/needs
  2. Get buy-in from stakeholders
  3. Set goals and objectives
  4. Create an outline
  5. Write a script
  6. Recruit “volunteers” and other resources available in your library (including talent and equipment)
  7. Film
  8. Set aside time for post-production
  9. Share, share, share
  10. Celebrate

The resulting 8-minute film was far from perfect but provided a way to push information to users. The film is available on YouTube and is linked from the St. Catherine University Library’s LibGuides.
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