Monday, April 29, 2013

CLIC Vendor Demos Scheduled for May 6-7 and June 5-6

The CLIC Board and Task Force have invited two vendors, ExLibris and OCLC, to present two-day demonstrations of their systems.

ExLibris Alma - Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7, 2013
OCLC Worldshare - Wednesday, June 5 and Thursday, June 6, 2013

Attendance is limited to CLIC member library staff only. Member library staff are welcome to attend any of the sessions.  Sessions will be recorded for member library staff who are unable to attend. The demonstrations at each session will be based on the scenarios and other input provided by the CLIC Committees and COIs. Please note that the vendors will demonstrate their systems only, and pricing will not be discussed during the sessions.

The schedule for the ExLibris Alma demo is:
Monday, May 6, University of St. Thomas, Anderson Student Center, Woulfe Alumni Hall South, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. General Demonstration 1
This session will cover a higher-level look at system design and how it functions. We have asked the vendors to tell about their company's vision of the future of library services, what makes their product distinct, and what opportunities their system has for consortia. The vendor will demonstrate general features: Administrative functionality (including authorizations, log-ins, system support, customer support, development schedule, training), the migration and implementation process, and a general overview of the system's architecture. 

Monday, May 6, University of St. Thomas, Anderson Student Center, Woulfe Alumni Hall South, 1:00 pm – 3:30 p.m. Collections and Resource Management
In this session, vendors are asked to do a live demonstration of their system’s collections and resource management features: Acquisitions, Metadata / Cataloging, Digital collections/repositories, Serials, E-resources, and license manager/ERMs.

Tuesday, May 7, Macalester College, JBD Room, Campus Center, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Circulation and Resource Sharing
In this session, vendors are asked to do a live demonstration of their system’s Circulation and Resource Sharing features: Circulation, Reserves, ILL and Resource Sharing, Inventory, and Patron Records and Privacy.

Tuesday, May 7, Macalester College, Harmon Room, DeWitt Wallace Library, 1:00 pm – 3:30 p.m. General Demonstration 2
In this final session, vendors are asked to demonstrate a variety of general features: Discovery, Mobile, Link resolver, A-to-Z lists, statistics and reporting, interoperability with other systems, and other system features which the vendor did not cover in earlier sessions.  This time will also be used for a general wrap up and final questions.

The OCLC WorldShare sessions will be held at UST Woulfe Alumni Hall (north), June 5-6, 2013.  We will post complete information on this blog later. Please note that the Vendor Demo information and locations are also listed on CLIC's calendar at:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Assessment Workshops at CLIC

Did you miss CLIC's Assessment mini-workshop on April 3? You can read about using Google Forms for assessment purposes on CLIC's Google site for assessment, thanks to presenters Greg Argo and Zach Moss from Concordia University Library.

Other programs at the April workshop included Jessica Nelson Moore's presentation on Northwestern College's LibQUAL+® 2008 and 2012 assessments of the Berntsen Library and a presentation on User-defined valued metrics for electronic journals by Katherine Chew, Jim Stemper, Caroline Lilyard, and Mary Schoenborn of the University of Minnesota Libraries. A big thank you to all of our speakers for an excellent program!


CLIC's next Assessment mini-workshop will be Assessment of Students, Usage, and Library Instruction on Wednesday, May 1, 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon, at the Harmon Room, DeWitt Wallace Library, Macalester College. Presenters include Amy Sheehan, Hamline University; Lyndi Fabbrini, Verena Getahun, Will Keillor, and Michael Mitchell, Bethel University; Lisa Raymond, Walden University; and Ginny Moran Heinrich, Macalester College.

May 1st Cost: CLIC library staff - FREE. Non-CLIC - $10.00. 

Registration: Pre-registration is required for CLIC and non-CLIC attendees. To register, please email Maureen Fitzgerald at 

May 1st Program descriptions
Sinking under the pressure to assess everything? Buoy your efforts with SAILS. Hamline University explains how they have used the SAILS (Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills) assessment tool as a launching point to assess student learning on numerous information literacy learning outcomes. Highlights include: Why you too, might benefit from assessing with SAILS, why we'll move on to other assessment practices, what do students want to know about these competencies, and how to use the results to change how and what you teach.

Bethel’s Ethnographic Study. Interested in knowing more about students' use of your library space?  Learn how to go beyond gate counts and comment boxes to get detailed data on what students like about your library and how they use it.

Walden University Library Assessment. The Walden University Library uses student library usage data to inform library decision making.  This session will explore the origin of and methods used in the library's ongoing project to mine data collected during reference transactions.  The session will also provide an overview of the library’s ongoing research into student library usage.

Macalester’s Research Practices Survey. What kind of impact does our information fluency instruction have? All first year students at Macalester College took the Research Practices Survey in September 2012 and were resurveyed in January 2013. Ginny Moran Heinrich will review results and next steps for Macalester.

You can also register now for the CLIC-wide Conference, The Value of Academic Libraries, on June 4 featuring Megan Oakleaf.
June 4 Location: Hamline University, Anderson Student Center, St. Paul, MN
June 4 Cost: CLIC library staff - FREE. Non-CLIC - $70.00.
Registration: Pre-registration is required for CLIC and non-CLIC attendees. To register, please email Maureen Fitzgerald at